Camelbak Podium Big Chill 750ml
Camelbak Podium Big Chill 750ml
The Podium Big Chill water bottle is designed for performance. To keep your water cool for longer, it features a double-walled construction with closed cell foam technology. With Camelbak's Jet Valve
spill proof cap, you can hydrate immediately without having to open or close any valves.
The Jet Valve drinking system features a large aperture drinking nozzle, for an excellent water flow rate. For easy cleaning, the valve is removable. The Podium Big Chill bottle is 100% free of BPA and
BPS and TruTaste™ polypropylene with HydroGuard™ means that your water won't be tainted by the taste of the bottle.
• Double walled construction keeps your drink cool for longer
• Also helps keep warm drinks warm in cold weather
• Jet Valve cap eliminates spillage
• Wide-mouth opening allows you to fill the bottle with ice
• The entire bottle can be cleaned easily
• BPA and BPS free with TruTaste™ for an untainted taste
• Weight: 159g
• Dimensions: 27.3 x 7.62cm
• Volume: 750ml